October 5th & 8th, 2023: JOIN US FOR SUKKOT CELEBRATION!!!
Join us for the FEAST OF TABERNACLES & SUKKOT CELEBRATION this Thursday October 5th, at 7PM with Jonathan Cahn and special music by Elihana Elia.
Also on Sunday October 8th at 9AM & 10:45AM for SIMCHAT TORAH SERVICE with guest ministration by Dr. Hadassah Elia & Elihana Elia.
The celebration will be held at Christian Retreat, in Bradenton FL:
Christian Retreat Conference Center
1200 Glory Way Blvd.
Bradenton, FL 34787
For more details you can call Christian Retreat at: 941-746-2882
Or email them at: connect@thefamily.church
We will also be LIVE STREAMING, so you can join us online!
Go to this Link for more details: https://www.christianretreat.org/events/feast-of-tabernacles/?fbclid=IwAR1D21M-3L-uPXjv-nCM0CtvVM5kUxWZpBXSvV8YvCXB06liOL71vjv1KRM